Year: 1975
Leadsheet, chords and lyrics for “Sailing” by Rod Stewart. From the album “Atlantic Crossing”, 1975.
Leadsheet, tekst og akkorder til “Juanita” med Hoola Bandoola Band. Fra albummet “fri information”, 1975. Lyt til sangen PDF / Preview
Wish You Were Here
Leadsheet, chords and lyrics for “Wish You Were Here” by Pink Floyd. From the album “Wish You Were Here”, 1975.
Leadsheet, chords and lyrics for “Tush” by ZZ Top. From the album “Fandango”, 1975.
Please Mr. Postman
Nina, Kære Nina
Leadsheet, tekst og akkorder til “Nina, Kære Nina” med John Mogensen. Fra albummet “Taurus”, 1975.
Mamma Mia
Leadsheet, chords and lyrics for “Mamma Mia” by ABBA. From the album “ABBA”, 1975. Listen PDF / Preview
Love Hurts
Leadsheet, chords and lyrics for “Love Hurts” by Nazareth. From the album “Hair of the Dog”, 1975. Listen PDF / Preview